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Ratings apoBank

apoBank’s creditworthiness, i.e. its ability and willingness to meet all financial obligations fully and in a timely manner, is assessed by the rating agency Standard & Poor’s.

In addition, the creditworthiness of the entire cooperative FinanzGruppe is assessed by Standard & Poor’s and by Fitch. As apoBank belongs to the cooperative FinanzGruppe and is a member in the cooperative protection scheme, these ratings also indirectly apply to apoBank.

Standard & Poor's

Issuer Credit Rating A+/stable/A-1
Senior Secured AAA/stable
Senior Unsecured A+
Senior Subordinated A
Short Term Debt A-1
Subordinated A-

Fitch Ratings (FinanzGruppe)

Long term AA-
Short term F1+
Outlook stable

S&P Rating Reports and News

Fitch Rating Report